About Me
Welcome to Linnaea’s Healing Touch.
My name is Linnaea Saleem. I grew up In Germany and moved to England at 25 to explore my British heritage. During the latter I was introduced to the Art of Living which, lead me to serving at the AoL Ashram in Canada. Here I met my Wasband with whom I relocated to Victoria in 2007.
My CST studies include a mix of the Biodynamic and Upledger methods.
Reiki Level 1
I completed a 200 hour Art of Living Yoga Teachers Training at the AoL Ashram in Quebec. And took a 200 hour Yoga TTC with 4 Winds Academy on Vancouver Island.
Part of my 10 year Kriya Breathing practice was doing fulltime seva at the Montreal AoL Ashram for 2 ½ years including leading sadanas and yoga for residents, guest and course participants.
I also taught yoga for students and staff at UVic.
In 2004 I ended my 3 year Shiatsu training in London and Brighton, England were I also got introduced to the ancient practice of Ear candling.
My Healing Journey started with taking up the practice of Tai Chi.
I am dedicated to the journey within, self-healing and am a student of the Gene Keys. I love being out in nature accompanied by my dog. Potter in the garden in company with my chickens. Am a fibre and multimedia artist and learning to play the harp. I also love learning about medicinal herbs and mushrooms, how to grow, find and use them.
Most recently I got back into Horses, caring for and riding them is a profound way to connect with Self, with the Horse and Nature.