In my opinion, Craniosacral therapy is one of the best modalities out there and the most needed type of bodywork at this time; working to bring us back into our parasympathetic nervous system. Linnaea is a true intuitive within this craft. Her background and knowledge as a shiatsu practitioner also lends really well to the experience as you can tell she understands and accurately reads the body. I highly recommend booking a session.
Krystel Harvey
Linnaea has been phenomenal support in my life and helping me deepen into more relaxation. Cranial Sacral, Face Massage, and Ear Candling have been so calming that most of the time I would fall asleep into a state of white light. Linnaea has a touch and love about her that really made me feel safe and held. In addition her own personal evolution, and desire to deepen in all aspects of life inspires me to deep in love. I received five to six cranial sacral sessions and two face massage + ear candling sessions, during this time I have got much more clarity, relaxation and energetic releases to help guide me through my life. Please go see Linnaea, you will not regret it!
Michael Mccall
Linnaea's work takes you on a journey. She gives the nervous system a much needed relaxation and brings light to areas you have been neglecting. From her ear candling and Facial Massage to cranial sacral she brings you back to balance in your health and emotional state. She incorporates multiple healing modalities and brings through beautiful light language as a medicine to enhance your vibration!
Zoey Mayenburg
Linnaea offers a delicate yet sensitive touch as she channels the gifts she’s here to share in the many ways of honourably devoted s~Elf help and beyond. The cranial sacral treatment she shared presented some truly shifting sensations and a chance to peacefully explore within the body. There’s too many talents to list here but she’s very proficient in all the ways of the elvin ones, living and breathing in honor!
Quaint Nicholas
I’ve found the Crainiosacral Therapy to be truly helpful. Having received 5 treatments now I feel more of an “ease” within myself. I do experience the unblocking of “patterns”, which I then am able to put my attention to over the following 2 weeks with the intension to transcending them.
Mary Silvester